The world on two wheels

copyright © 2008 El mundo en dos ruedas

How you can help us?

Making donations, support in the route and passing our Link with all friendly and thus to continue with this great adventure.

* Donations:

A part of your donations will be deposited to the childhood in Mexico.

The donations via counts banking or paypal.

* Paypal is the company leader in payments in Internet and that more people trust. It allows him to send and to receive money by Internet of fast and safe form, more than 100 million users they use paypal anywhere in the world. With paypal you can:

- to protect its information with the prevention and security systems of fraud leaders of the paypal sector.

- to send money of fast and safe form to whatever it has one   direction of electronic mail.

- to receive money of form fast and easy of any person who has a direction of electronic mail.

More information in

He is very simple and safe. It follows the steps:

1- beams click in the button “ donate”

2- a paypal window, the safe system of deposits through Internet will be opened.

3- the amount enters to donate (any amount is welcome)

4- click in “updating total”

5- if you have a paypal account, you do “log in” and it completes the transaction

6- if you do not have a paypal account, it enters your data and it follows the instructions

   Click to make a donation

* If you do not have paypal you can directly make your donations to the account of the world in two wheels.

Bank name: Santander serfin

Bank account: 83500398038

Clabe number: 014040835003980380

If you want to receive a proof already made your donation, it sends an email to

With your data and amount of your donation and we will make you arrive but the soon possible receipt from your donation.

Support in the route: We will take all the means and resources from aid that can be offered us around our trip.





If you can offer some of the services before mentioned you do not doubt in contacting us to the


copyright © 2008 El mundo en dos ruedas

Access to Internet: If you have some connection to Internet to which it can connect by some hours to me, to be able to be updating all the information of the Web site, be a plesure.

Lodging: Some bed, a fourth or simply place to mount my tent will be thankful.

Factory/tools: Some service or tools for my motorcycle, thanks

Information: Tourist data, places of interest, clubs of motorcycles, forums of Internet, useful magazines, means, contacts… All it serves to us. We will be thankful for any information to him that creates can be to us useful.

Presentation of the trip: if you meet some reporter or some means where agradeceria can set out my superb serious trip to present all the details my adventure you also.

Medical attention: when being as much time abroad podre not to do the regular overhauls to me. If you are doctor and you can offer a consultation also is welcome this aid.

Water: to fill up the water tanks is escencial for me, potable water to drink or water to take a shower.

Passing the Link: Thus also you contribute in the aid to present to us every time with the other people who not yet know us, remembers that this site was done for you so that every day benefits of the emotion of this trip.

Help us